cheesy (but beautiful) sentences of songs i've been listening today

i miss you even when you're around
you need me, like the wind needs the tree 
i don't know if you're beautiful because i love you so much
only fools rush in
the night starts here, forget your name, forget your fear
i don't see what anyone can see in anyone else... but you
me gusta mirar tu cara graciosa cuando bebes limón ("i like watching your funny face when you drink lemon juice")
tú me haces ver el mundo de otra manera ("you make me see the world differently")
desde que estem junts que és com estiu ("since we're together it's like summer")
fica la figa fica-la (i'm not going to translate this)

by Magnetic Fields, Seabear, The Moldy Peaches, Stars, Family, Joe Crepúsculo, ü_ma, Elvis Presley and Meneo